Hello friends, Today we will see how we can fix sound problem in linux distro installed in termux via proot.
First of all update your termux repositories.
pkg update
Now install pulseaudio in Termux.
pkg install pulseaudio
Once the pulseaudio is installed then we have to configure it.
nano $PREFIX/etc/pulse/default.pa
Add the following line in the file.
load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=1
Now we have to edit daemon file.
nano $PREFIX/etc/pulse/daemon.conf
change exit-idle-time = 20 to exit-idle-time = -1
Now start pulseaudio.
pulseaudio --start
Now start your distro and just execute the following command before playing any video or audio file. Enter this command inside distro not in termux.
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