Hello friends, In this blog we will see how we can install Manjaro linux lxqt desktop on our android phone.
Lxqt is a light weight desktop environment for linux distos. So it is the best option for us to install it on our phone. We will install lxqt on Manjaro linux .
VNC viewer
So first of all install manjaro linux
pkg update -y && pkg install proot-distro -y && proot-distro install manjaro-aarch64
login to manjaro linux
proot-distro login manjaro-aarch64
By default colors are not enable in manjaro linux, so we will enable it, for that we have to edit bash.bashrc file
nano /etc/bash.bashrc
paste the following in this file
export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
eval "$(dircolors)"
alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
Now save the file with ctrl + o and exit with ctrl + x
Next we have to update our manjaro linux repositories
pacman -Syuu
Now install lxqt desktop
pacman -S lxqt
Now we have to install lightdm display manager, it is recommended by manjaro linux developers itself.
pacman -S lightdm lightdm-slick-greeter
Enabling lightdm
systemctl enable lightdm.service --force
Edit lightdm.conf file
nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
paste this line after [seat:*]
Installing themes and icons
pacman -S papirus-maia-icon-theme lxqt-themes adapta-maia-theme
Installing a terminator and vncserver
pacman -S terminator tigervnc
Now you need to setup password for vnc
Now create a startup file, enter following command to do it
echo "startlxqt" > .vnc/xstartup && chmod +x .vnc/startlxqt
Now you can start vncserver
vncserver :1
Now go to vnc viewer and connect to localhost:1 and enjoy manjaro lxqt desktop
You got a typo here:
ReplyDeleteecho "startlxqt" > .vnc/xstartup && chmod +x .vnc/startlxqt
Should be:
echo "startlxqt" > .vnc/xstartup && chmod +x .vnc/xstartup